At this time , wallpapers are images very much sought after by smartphone users. not a few of those who use wallpaper are not only used to decorate the room. wallpaper has also become one of the trends that are used as accessories in various fields, such as in the interior, electronics, and many others.
Lisa is doing a photo shoot, using training pants, and a black jacket. lisa stood in a cool style.
one of the wallpapers that many people are looking for is, wallpaper that still has to do with celebrities with a high level of popularity. in the delivery of artists, singers, girl bands, boy bands, or actors.
lisa manoban is standing next to an apartment balcony. Seen, in the wallpaper, Lisa is using a long-sleeved pink shirt. I purposely gave a flower decoration, so the wallpaper of Lisa became more colorful.
there is one girl band that is currently popular in the entertainment industry, this girl band originated from South Korea, namely BlackPink. Blackpink is a vocal girl group that has a lot of fans all over the world. In social media, every day there are always many people who share wallpapers about blackpink, in addition to blackpink, each member also gets more attention from many fans.
this lisa wallpaper, is a photo taken by other blackpink members, namely kim jisoo or jisoo blackpink. I edited this photo with a few additions, namely blackpink writing and some character color combinations and backgrounds.
Of the four blackpink members, Lisa, jennie, rose, and jisoo, the popularity level of each member is fairly balanced, but there is a member who currently has more followers on an Instagram social media, Lisa Blackpink. Lisa Manoban or more familiarly called lisa blackpink, is one of the blackpink members who is currently increasing in popularity on Instagram social media.
Lisa's photo when she was preparing for a backstage concert. In this photo, I'm only giving an art effect and some color in the background and light.
that's one reason, the number of lisa blackpink wallpapers are posted every day by their fans, who are called blinks. because of the love of blinks against blackpink, many of them created artwork in the form of blackpink wallpapers, and blackpink member wallpapers, such as jisoo blackpink wallpapers, jennie blackpink wallpapers, rose blackpink wallpapers, and the wallpaper of a lalisa manoban.
Looks like this photo I don't need to explain anymore. every fan would already know this photo is one of the behind the scense contained in the MV song "as if it is your last". Lisa with her cute camera.
in this paper, there are several lisa wallpapers that have HD quality, all of these wallpapers can be used in various smartphone devices. Lisa wallpaper becomes very cool, with a touch of art effect on every part of the photo.