To produce the best quality wallpaper is quite difficult, workmanship to produce a wallpaper work, has several stages of the process, starting from determining the concept of a photo, editing concept, color proportions, texture, type of wallpaper, platform adjustments that will be used.
Lisa sat on a sofa, and smiled at the camera.
the first wallpaper lisa blackpink, the process takes 10-15 minutes to do it. Aspects of attention in the wallpaper wallpaper Lisa, among others, color combinations, platform compatibility, quality and lighting. to give the effect in accordance with the atmosphere in the photo Lisa is an effect that strengthens the atmosphere of happiness, such as Lisa's smile expression.
lisa dances a dance on stage, this wallpaper is when lisa and rose appear on a private stage in south korea.
for the second Lisa wallpaper. I just combined the basic colors, black and white with an additional color of pink. black lines and white backgrounds in each image will only give a visual meaning, but it is less complete, if the visuals are displayed without being polished with colors that strength the meaning of the atmosphere in the Liss wallpaper.
Lisa wallpaper with hair sideways, this photo when Lisa was still a traine, and had become a model in one of the brands in South Korea.
not all colors are suitable to be used as wallpaper on a smartphone, if we are wrong when choosing a color in the wallpaper, this will have an impact, it is difficult to see every icon in the smartphone. color is this third lisa photo, I polish it with a neutral yellow color can clarify every icon on a smartphone.
jennie's wallpaper which contained a collection of early and bright blue skies, jennie smiled with a cute expression in front of the camera.
jennie black wallpaper in picture no. 4 is better to use for a background lock screen wallpaper, because I deliberately give a very bright color to each texture, so that when the screen is open, the light of that color can produce an art on the smartphone screen in the form of light.
jennie blackpink was on stage wearing a white shirt and black shorts, when this photo was taken, jennie was dancing a blackpink song that is forever young.
jennie's wallpaper in picture no. five, polished to resemble a full color abstract wallpaper. when I made this jennie blackpink wallpaper, at first I was confused to give a color combination that matched, and in the end, I prefer to make it like an abstract wallpaper but has a clear line texture with an image shape.